Aircraft 2001 Photo

2001, 1989 Helibras HM-1 Pantera (AS-565AA), C/N: 6323

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Photo ID: AC342728

2001, 1989 Helibras HM-1 Pantera (AS-565AA) C/N 6323, Aerospatiale SA 365 Panther of the Exercito Brazileiro (as HM-1 Pantera) at the Aerosalon 1989 Paris

Aerospatiale SA 365 Panther of the Exercito Brazileiro (as HM-1 Pantera) at the Aerosalon 1989 Paris

Folder: Ingo Warnecke's photo gallery > aircraft at airshows/public displays > France > 1989 Aerosalon Paris

Photo Info

Photographer: Ingo Warnecke
More photos by Ingo Warnecke
Contact Ingo Warnecke
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Shot Date: 1989-06-00
Airport: LFPB
Paris Airport, France
Upload Date: 2009-07-05
Views: 882