Aircraft XA-SEM Data

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1 aircraft record found.

1988 Boeing 737-3Y0 C/N 23924

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Latest photos of XA-SEM
  • XA-SEM - Airplane was brought into the Parque Metropolitano (Metropolitan Park at Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico as part of a museum. Abandoned at the time the photo was taken (04/22/2011). Apparently the area and plane have been re purposed as a kids attraction. - by Jorge Cattaneo Rovalo by Jorge Cattaneo Rovalo
  • XA-SEM - Airplane was brought into the Parque Metropolitano (Metropolitan Park at Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico as part of a museum. Abandoned at the time the photo was taken (04/22/2011). Apparently the area and plane have been re purposed as a kids attraction. - by Jorge Cattaneo Rovalo by Jorge Cattaneo Rovalo
  • XA-SEM - Airplane was brought into the Parque Metropolitano (Metropolitan Park at Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico as part of a museum. Abandoned at the time the photo was taken (04/22/2011). Apparently the area and plane have been re purposed as a kids attraction. - by Jorge Cattaneo Rovalo by Jorge Cattaneo Rovalo

Airframe Info

Model:737-3Y0    Search all Boeing 737-3Y0
Year built:1988
Construction Number (C/N):23924
Aircraft Type:Fixed wing multi engine
Number of Seats:149
Number of Engines:2
Engine Type:Turbofan
Engine Manufacturer and Model:CFM International CFM56-3B2
Also Registered As:
N924RM  Deregistered  Cancel: 2009-11-05
LY-AWH  Registered
G-BNGL  De-registered  Delivery: 1988-04-26
OO-LTV  De-registered  Delivery: 1997-01-18
G-LGTH  De-registered  Delivery: 2001-04-04  Cancel: 2009-05-01


Registration Number:XA-SEM
Current Status:De-registered
Delivery Date:1993-12-05


Owner:TAESA (Transportes Aeros Ejecutivos S.A.)