Aircraft 4K-GUP Photo

4K-GUP, 1969 Canadair CL-44-0 Skymonster, C/N: 16

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Photo ID: AC254220

4K-GUP, 1969 Canadair CL-44-0 Skymonster C/N 16, Ready for take off rwy 33R... I have seen it just one time and it was a terrible experience :-)

Ready for take off rwy 33R... I have seen it just one time and it was a terrible experience :-)

Folder: Shunn311's photo gallery > France > Airports > Toulouse-Blagnac - LFBO > Cargo aircraft

Photo Info

Photographer: Shunn311
More photos by Shunn311
Contact Shunn311
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Shot Date: 1998-06-00
Airport: LFBO
Toulouse Airport, Blagnac Airport France
Upload Date: 2008-11-26
Views: 356