Aircraft N288EH Photo

N288EH, 1984 Partenavia P-68C-TC, C/N: 346-32-TC

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Photo ID: AC1665055

N288EH, 1984 Partenavia P-68C-TC C/N 346-32-TC, Taxiing to RW06 after a short fuel stop at EDJA airport. It was a rather foggy day, but the sun came through just in time for this beauty.

Taxiing to RW06 after a short fuel stop at EDJA airport. It was a rather foggy day, but the sun came through just in time for this beauty.

Photo Info

Photographer: Robert Laible
Contact Robert Laible
Please do NOT ask photographer about aircraft data, instead use forum for these questions
Shot Date: 2021-11-06
Airport: EDJA
Allgäu Airport, Memmingen Germany
Upload Date: 2021-11-06
Views: 78
More photo of N288EH

  • N288EH @ LFSB - Landing rwy 16 - by Shunn311 by Shunn311 @ LFSB