FAA Information Effective: | 2013-12-12 |
Airport Identifier: | 8FD3 |
Airport Status: | Operational |
Longitude/Latitude: | 086-51-15.8560W/30-52-39.6660N -86.854404/30.877685 (Estimated) |
Elevation: | 200 ft / 60.96 m (Estimated) |
Land: | 10 acres |
From nearest city: | 1 nautical miles NE of Munson, FL |
Location: | Santa Rosa County, FL |
Magnetic Variation: | 01E (1985) |
Ownership: | Publicly owned |
Owner: | Dept Of Agri/div Of Forestry |
Address: | 3282 Capital Cir S W Tallahassee, FL 32310 |
Phone number: | 904-488-0959 |
Manager: | Stanley G. Risk |
Address: | 3282 Capital Cir Sw Tallahassee, FL 32310 |
Phone number: | 904-488-0959 |
Airport Use: | Private |
Wind indicator: | Yes |
Segmented Circle: | No |
Control Tower: | No |
Sectional chart: | New Orleans |
Region: | ASO - Southern |
Boundary ARTCC: | ZJX - Jacksonville |
Tie-in FSS: | GNV - Gainesville |
FSS Toll Free: | 1-800-WX-BRIEF |
Dimension: | 4000 x 100 ft / 1219.2 x 30.5 m |
Surface: | TURF, |
Runway 18 | Runway 36 | |
Traffic Pattern: | Left | Left |
Displaced threshold: | 0.00 ft | 1500.00 ft |