Shoshone Airport (L61) Photo

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Photo ID: AP36673

Shoshone Airport (L61) - N6369E at Shoshone and picture of the small village that is so close that when landing on runway 15 you fly right over Shoshone on short final. I have always landed on 33 and departed on 15 wind permitting.View is to the west & DV.

N6369E at Shoshone and picture of the small village that is so close that when landing on runway 15 you fly right over Shoshone on short final. I have always landed on 33 and departed on 15 wind permitting.View is to the west & DV.

Photo Info

Airport Shoshone Airport (L61)
Shoshone, CA
Photographer: S B J
More photos by S B J
Contact S B J
Shot Date: 1992-11-05
Upload Date: 2014-11-21
Views: 668
More photos of Shoshone Airport (L61)

  • Shoshone Airport (L61) - Some of my many stops at L61.In the 70s,arrivals were always greeted by a local resident.While not a pilot,he liked talking about airplanes.Missed him when it stopped in the 80s.Nice stop for lunch,gas,ice etc. - by S B J by S B J
  • Shoshone Airport (L61) - 02x at Shoshone showing the short distance to town and the trees that you fly over on short final if landing on runway 15.Runway 33 is upslope with obstructions so a go around can be problematic.Was a fatal acc on a go around on 8-18-73. - by S B J by S B J