Bryant Field Airport (O57) Photo

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Photo ID: AP38485

Bryant Field Airport (O57) - 59X at Bridgeport,Ca offloading its own ground transportation.The little Honda allowed me to visit Bodie State Historic Park (a must see) 12 miles away, but at over 8K feet.Notice windsock which was a direct crosswind this day.

59X at Bridgeport,Ca offloading its own ground transportation.The little Honda allowed me to visit Bodie State Historic Park (a must see) 12 miles away, but at over 8K feet.Notice windsock which was a direct crosswind this day.

Photo Info

Airport Bryant Field Airport (O57)
Bridgeport, CA
Photographer: S B J
More photos by S B J
Contact S B J
Shot Date: 1981-10-21
Upload Date: 2015-09-09
Views: 427
Total 8 photos. View all photos
More photos of Bryant Field Airport (O57)

  • Bryant Field Airport (O57) - Nice place to stop for lunch or overnight. A 2 minute walk to town.While density alt is always an issue,wind  concerned me more at these high altitude airports. Mammoth Lakes which is 50 miles south,the wind can be downright nasty. - by S B J by S B J
  • Bryant Field Airport (O57) - N9078E at lovely Bridgeport airport. The bike was used to bring fuel from town when I was able to use auto gas. - by S B J by S B J
  • Bryant Field Airport (O57) - N39932 at lovely Bridgeport and the awsome Sierra Nevada mountains (fantastic backpacking country and challenging flying) in the background.Those mountains are in the 11K-12K feet range.View is to the south. - by S B J by S B J
  • Bryant Field Airport (O57) - Chief N3368E and N2371P at beautiful Bridgeport in 1989. Lovely town is a very short walk. You have an alpine type mountains  to the west and a desert view to the SW. Amazing country! - by S B J by S B J
  • Bryant Field Airport (O57) - 78E at Bridgeport,Ca with the Walker River Lodge seen in the distance.Nice place to stay and its neat to look out and see your plane. Notice the six vehicles that pilots leave so they will have transportation when they fly in.Nice! - by S B J by S B J