Effective Date: | 2007-01-18 |
Airport Site Number: | 08389.*A |
Airport Code: | WVL |
Airport Location: | Waterville, ME |
FAA Region: | ANE - New England |
Runway: | 05 |
Runway Dimension:: | 5500 x 100 ft |
ILS Type: | Instrument Landing System/Distance Measuring Equipment |
ILS Category: | I |
Facility Owner: | City Of Waterville |
Facility Operator: | City Of Waterville |
Approach Bearing: | 047 (Degrees Magnetic) |
Magnetic Variation: | 18W |
Identification Code: | I-RLU |
Frequency: | 110.50 MHz |
Longitude/Latitude: | 069-40-07.035W/44-32-32.267N -69.668621/44.542296 |
Course Width: | 6.00° |
Dist. From Runway Stop End: | 1050 ft |
Type: | Standard Glide Slope |
Angle: | 3.00° |
Frequency: | 329.60 MHz |
Longitude/Latitude: | 069-40-42.895W/44-31-42.018N -69.678582/44.528338 |
Dist. From Runway Approach End: | -838 ft |
Elevation: | 276.60 ft |
Type: | Middle Marker Beacon Only |
Longitude/Latitude: | 069-41-18.965W/44-31-02.038N -69.688601/44.517233 |
Dist. from Runway Approach End: | 3970 ft |
Type: | Nondirectional Radio Beacon |
Identifier: | RL |
Name: | BRACY |
Frequency: | 399 KHz |
Longitude/Latitude: | 069-44-05.566W/44-27-36.841N -69.734879/44.460234 |
Dist. from Runway Approach End: | 29700 ft |
Channel: | 042X |
Longitude/Latitude: | 069-40-11.610W/44-32-32.867N -69.669892/44.542463 |
Dist. From Runway Approach End: | 6444 ft |