Carson Airport (CXP) Photo

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Photo ID: AP37497

Carson Airport (CXP) - On downwind at Carson City and arriving during a mini air show in 1984.Small plane on taxi way after takeoff did a 180 and a low level pass (at us) as we were on short final.Another memorable landing at CXP.

On downwind at Carson City and arriving during a mini air show in 1984.Small plane on taxi way after takeoff did a 180 and a low level pass (at us) as we were on short final.Another memorable landing at CXP.

Photo Info

Airport Carson Airport (CXP)
Carson City, NV
Photographer: S B J
More photos by S B J
Contact S B J
Shot Date: 1984-06-09
Upload Date: 2015-05-20
Views: 436
More photo of Carson Airport (CXP)

  • Carson Airport (CXP) - Carson City is seen near mts.Dirt crosswind runway(seen best) was welcome on one arrival with gusty 35kt winds with 5-10 seconds of dead calm mixed in .Nasty stuff but the dirt runway was perfectly aligned for my Tcraft.View is north. - by S B J by S B J