Carson Airport (CXP) Photo

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Photo ID: AP37498

Carson Airport (CXP) - Carson City is seen near mts.Dirt crosswind runway(seen best) was welcome on one arrival with gusty 35kt winds with 5-10 seconds of dead calm mixed in .Nasty stuff but the dirt runway was perfectly aligned for my Tcraft.View is north.

Carson City is seen near mts.Dirt crosswind runway(seen best) was welcome on one arrival with gusty 35kt winds with 5-10 seconds of dead calm mixed in .Nasty stuff but the dirt runway was perfectly aligned for my Tcraft.View is north.

Photo Info

Airport Carson Airport (CXP)
Carson City, NV
Photographer: S B J
More photos by S B J
Contact S B J
Upload Date: 2015-05-20
Views: 337
More photo of Carson Airport (CXP)

  • Carson Airport (CXP) - On downwind at Carson City and arriving during a mini air show in 1984.Small plane on taxi way after takeoff did a 180 and a low level pass (at us) as we were on short final.Another memorable landing at CXP. - by S B J by S B J