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Aircraft N620JH Data

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3 aircraft records found.

2019 Gulfstream Aerospace Corp. G-VSP C/N 5595

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Latest photos of N620JH
  • N620JH @ EDDF - at fra - by Ronald by Ronald @ EDDF
  • N620JH @ LFBO - Landing rwy 32L - by Shunn311 by Shunn311 @ LFBO

Airframe Info

Manufacturer:Gulfstream Aerospace Corp.
Model:G-VSP    Search all Gulfstream Aerospace Corp. G-VSP
Year built:2019
Construction Number (C/N):5595
Aircraft Type:Glider
Number of Seats:N/A
Number of Engines:2
Engine Type:Turbofan
Engine Manufacturer and Model:Rolls Deut BR700-710C411


Registration Number:N620JH
Current Status:Registered
Delivery Date:2019-11-21


Owner:Bank of Utah (Trustee)
Address:Salt Lake City,
United States

1995 Gulfstream Aerospace G-IV C/N 1272

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Total 10 photos. View all photos
Latest photos of N620JH
  • N620JH @ DFW - Arriving at DFW Airport - by Zane Adams by Zane Adams @ DFW
  • N620JH @ FLL - Gulfstream IV - by Florida Metal by Florida Metal @ FLL
  • N620JH @ EGCC - N620JH at Manchester 20.5.16 - by GTF4J2M by GTF4J2M @ EGCC
  • N620JH @ EGCC - At Manchester - by Guitarist by Guitarist @ EGCC

Airframe Info

Manufacturer:Gulfstream Aerospace
Model:G-IV    Search all Gulfstream Aerospace G-IV
Year built:1995
Construction Number (C/N):1272
Aircraft Type:Fixed wing multi engine
Number of Seats:22
Number of Engines:2
Engine Type:Turbofan
Engine Manufacturer and Model:Rolls-Royce Tay 611
Also Registered As:
N621JH  De-registered
N621JA  De-registered
N624PD  Registered  Delivery: 2018-12-21


Registration Number:N620JH
Mode S (ICAO24) Code:A8170D
Certification Class:Standard
Certification Issued:2001-09-20
Air Worthiness Test:1995-08-01
Last Action Taken:2007-11-06
Current Status:Valid


Registration Type:Corporation
Owner:Zions Credit Corp
Address:Salt Lake City, UT 84101
United States
Region:Northwest Mountain

1983 Grumman G1159A Gulfstream III C/N 387

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Latest photo of N620JH
  • N620JH @ KBFI - KBFI - by Nick Dean by Nick Dean @ KBFI

Airframe Info

Model:G1159A Gulfstream III    Search all Grumman G1159A Gulfstream III
Year built:1983
Construction Number (C/N):387
Aircraft Type:Fixed wing multi engine
Number of Seats:N/A
Number of Engines:2
Engine Type:Turbojet


Registration Number:N620JH
Mode S (ICAO24) Code:A8170D
Current Status:Re-registered


United States