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X6KR Airport - FAA Information

  • X6KR Airport - Keep your eyes peeled at Portmoak, Scotland - by Clive Pattle by Clive Pattle
  • X6KR Airport - Shot of just a few of the stored gliders in their trailers at Portmoak, Scotland, the home of Scottish Gliding. - by Clive Pattle by Clive Pattle
  • X6KR Airport - Willing hands haul a recently landed glider back to the winch to re-launch - by Clive Pattle by Clive Pattle
  • X6KR Airport - An evening view of Portmoak Gliding airfield, Kinross, Scotland. - by Clive Pattle by Clive Pattle
  • X6KR Airport - Portmoak Gliding Field, Kinross, Scotland. A view of the winch launch control cabin and two Land Rovers fitted with wide tyres for glider recovery. - by Clive Pattle by Clive Pattle
  • X6KR Airport - Portmoak Gliding Field, Kinross, Scotland - All packed up and finished for the day. - by Clive Pattle by Clive Pattle
  • X6KR Airport - Portmoak Gliding Field, Kinross, Scotland, with Towing aircraft G-OSGU and the Lomond Hills in the background - by Clive Pattle by Clive Pattle