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Vickers Production List

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There're 1235 aircraft made by Vickers.

Tail Number Year Maker Model C/N Engines Seats Location
21001956 Vickers Viscount VC-901414United Kingdom
21011959 Vickers Viscount VC-903454Brazil
  23451966 Vickers FB.5 Gunbus (Replica)FB512United Kingdom
3C-PBH1958 Vickers Viscount 806382471Equatorial Guinea
3D-AAL1957 Vickers Viscount 7542404Swaziland
3D-ACN1959 Vickers Viscount 816436475Swaziland
3D-JAP1958 Vickers Viscount 806382471Swaziland
3D-OHM1957 Vickers Viscount 802162471Swaziland
3D-PFI1957 Vickers Viscount 802170471Swaziland
  4301958 Vickers Viscount 794D4304Turkey
4X-AVA1961 Vickers Viscount 814370475Israel
  4X-AVB1959 Vickers Viscount 833424475Israel
4X-AVC1959 Vickers Viscount 833425475Israel
4X-AVD1959 Vickers Viscount 833426475Israel
  4X-AVE1959 Vickers Viscount 831403475Israel
4X-AVF1959 Vickers Viscount 831402475Israel
  4X-AVG1959 Vickers Viscount 831419471Israel
4X-AVH1959 Vickers Viscount 814344475Israel
4X-AVI1959 Vickers Viscount 814341461Israel
5021959 Vickers Viscount 816436475Oman
  502581963 Vickers Viscount 843453475
502591964 Vickers Viscount 843456475China
5031959 Vickers Viscount 814342475Oman
  5041958 Vickers Viscount 808423471Oman
  5051958 Vickers Viscount 808421471Oman
  5H-MMT1966 Vickers Super VC10 Srs 11548824Tanzania, United Republic of
5H-MOG1970 Vickers Super VC10 Srs 11548854Tanzania, United Republic of
5N-ABD1962 Vickers VC10 Srs 11018044151Nigeria
5V-TTJ1957 Vickers Viscount 802162471Togo
5V-TTP1957 Vickers Viscount 802170471Togo
  5X-UVA1966 Vickers Super VC10 Srs 11548814Uganda
  5X-UVJ1969 Vickers Super VC10 Srs 11548844Uganda
  5Y-ADA1967 Vickers Super VC10 Srs 11548834Kenya
6O-AAJ1958 Vickers Viscount 785D3794Somalia
6O-AAK1957 Vickers Viscount 785D3254Somalia
6O-SAN1956 Vickers Viscount 745D114463Somalia
7Q-YDK1956 Vickers Viscount 748D984Malawi
7Q-YDL1957 Vickers Viscount 748D2414Malawi
  7Q-YKH1963 Vickers VC10 Srs 11038194Malawi
  820010000 Vickers Varsity Tp8262224Sweden
9G-AAU1961 Vickers Viscount 838446475Ghana
9G-AAV1961 Vickers Viscount 8383714Ghana
9G-AAW1961 Vickers Viscount 838372475Ghana
  9G-ABO1964 Vickers VC10 Srs 11028234Ghana
9G-ABP1967 Vickers VC10 Srs 11028244Ghana
9G-ACL1959 Vickers Viscount 814342475Ghana
9K-ACD1957 Vickers Viscount 745D225463Kuwait
9M-ALY1956 Vickers Viscount 760D186471Malaysia
  9Q-CAH1954 Vickers Viscount 70836463Congo
9Q-CAN1953 Vickers Viscount 70814463Congo
9Q-CGL1959 Vickers Viscount 816435475Zaire
9Q-CKK1958 Vickers Viscount 782D2984Zaire
9Q-COM1958 Vickers Viscount 806382471Congo
9Q-CPD1958 Vickers Viscount 7573034Congo
9Q-CRH1957 Vickers Viscount 761D190463Zaire
9Q-CUW1958 Vickers Viscount 797391453Congo
9Q-CVF1957 Vickers Viscount 754D243463Congo
9Q-CVL1957 Vickers Viscount 761D1894Congo
9Y-TBN1955 Vickers Viscount 702814Trinidad and Tobago
9Y-TBS1957 Vickers Viscount 7722354Trinidad and Tobago
9Y-TBT1957 Vickers Viscount 7722364Trinidad and Tobago
9Y-TBU1957 Vickers Viscount 7722374Trinidad and Tobago
9Y-TBX1957 Vickers Viscount 7722384Trinidad and Tobago
  A14520000 Vickers FB.5 Gunbus (Replica)BAPC-23412United Kingdom
A2-ABD1957 Vickers Viscount 754D243463Botswana
A2-ABY1957 Vickers Viscount 761D1894Botswana
A2-ZEL1958 Vickers Viscount 756D3744Botswana
  A4O-AB1963 Vickers VC10 Srs 11038204Brooklands (UK), United Kingdom
A4O-VC1963 Vickers VC10 Srs 11018064151Oman
A4O-VG1963 Vickers VC10 Srs 11018094151Oman
A4O-VI1964 Vickers VC.10 K28114151Oman
  A4O-VK1964 Vickers VC10 Srs 11018134151Oman
A4O-VL1964 Vickers VC10 Srs 11018144151Oman
A6-2351959 Vickers Viscount 816435475
A82-11947 Vickers 621 Viking C.21502Australia
AN-AKP1957 Vickers Viscount 786D333463Nicaragua
AN-AKQ1957 Vickers Viscount 745D334453Spain
AP-AJC1958 Vickers Viscount 815335475Pakistan
AP-AJD1959 Vickers Viscount 815336475Pakistan
AP-AJE1959 Vickers Viscount 815337475Pakistan
AP-AJF1959 Vickers Viscount 815375475Pakistan
AP-AJG1959 Vickers Viscount 815376475Pakistan
B-20151959 Vickers Viscount 832414456Taiwan
B-20191959 Vickers Viscount 818319463Taiwan
B-20211958 Vickers Viscount 812355463China
B-20231959 Vickers Viscount 832415456Taiwan
B-20251959 Vickers Viscount 816433475Taiwan
B-20271959 Vickers Viscount 816434475Taiwan
B-20291960 Vickers Viscount 837439475Taiwan
B-20311958 Vickers Viscount 812358475Taiwan
B-20331958 Vickers Viscount 812389475China
  B-20371958 Vickers Viscount 812353475Taiwan
B-30011957 Vickers Viscount 806268471Taiwan
B-30251957 Vickers Viscount 806268471Taiwan
B-4021963 Vickers Viscount 843451475China
B-4041963 Vickers Viscount 843452475China
B-4061963 Vickers Viscount 843453475China
B-4081963 Vickers Viscount 843454475China
B-4101963 Vickers Viscount 843455475China
B-4121964 Vickers Viscount 843456475China