Airport ICAO Code: | ENNA |
Airport IATA Code: | LKL |
Longitude/Latitude: | E 024° 58' 24.56"/N 70° 04' 07.73" 24.973489/70.068814 |
Elevation: | 25 ft / 7.62 m |
Location: | Lakselv, Finnmark, Norway |
Magnetic Variation: | E 10°19.8' (2008-04) |
Time Zone: | UTC+1(+2DT) |
Type | Name | Freq 1 | Freq 2 | Freq 3 | Freq 4 | Freq 5 |
Tower | TWR | 118.05 M | 118.9 M | 122.1 M | 257.8 M | 280.35 M |
Dimension: | 9147 x 148 ft / 2788.0 x 45.1 m |
Surface: | Asphalt, asphaltic concrete, tar macadam, or bitumen bound macadam. |
Runway 17 | Runway 35 | |
Longitude: | 24.970575 / E 024° 58' 14.07" | 24.976403 / E 024° 58' 35.05" |
Latitude: | 70.081247 / N 70° 04' 52.49" | 70.056378 / N 70° 03' 22.96" |
End Elevation: | 15.0 ft | 25.0 ft |
Alignment: | 167.0 | 347.0 |
Slope: | 0.1 | -0.1 |
Touchdown Zone Elev.: | 15.0 | 25.0 |
Displaced Threshold: | 302 ft | 302 ft |
Lighting System 1: | High Intensity Runway Lights | High Intensity Runway Lights |
Lighting System 2: | ALSF-1 | Low Intensity Runway Lighting System |
Lighting System 3: | PAPI - Precision Approach Path Indicator | ALSF-1 |
Lighting System 4: | PAPI - Precision Approach Path Indicator |
Caution - Windshear/eddies may occur on short final, especially Rwy 17. Severe turb down to 200' when W wind abv 40 Kt. |
Fluid - De-ice (avbl 0430-2020Z++ Mon-Fri, 0430-1255Z++ Sat, 1200-2020Z++ Sun). |
Fuel - Avbl 0645-1530Z++, 0500-2215Z++ Mon-Fri; 0500-1315Z++ Sat; 1430-1530Z++, 1100-2215Z++ Sun. OT O/R. Req via fone C47-4828-9103 (NC-100LL, A1) |
Lighting - PAPI Rwy 35 GS 3.5 . |
Operating Hours - Opr 0500-2215Z++ Mon-Fri 0500-2215Z++ 0500-1315Z++ Sat, 1100-2215Z++ Sun. OT 24hr O/R. |
Restricted - PPR Diplomatic clnc req to COMAIRNORTH. |
Runway - Rwy 35 TORA 8845', LDA 8543'. |