Airport ICAO Code: | HKKI |
Airport IATA Code: | KIS |
Airport Type: | A - Civil |
Longitude/Latitude: | E 034° 43' 44.01"/S 00° 05' 10.10" 34.728892/-0.086139 |
Elevation: | 3796 ft / 1157.02 m |
Location: | Kisumu, Kenya |
Magnetic Variation: | E 0°36.5' (2008-04) |
Time Zone: | UTC+3 |
Type | Name | Freq 1 | Freq 2 | Freq 3 | Freq 4 | Freq 5 |
Ground Control | GND | 121.6 M | ||||
Tower | TWR | 118.8 M |
Dimension: | 6511 x 98 ft / 1984.6 x 29.9 m |
Surface: | Asphalt, asphaltic concrete, tar macadam, or bitumen bound macadam. |
Runway 07 | Runway 25 | |
Longitude: | 34.721053 / E 034° 43' 15.79" | 34.736731 / E 034° 44' 12.23" |
Latitude: | -0.090411 / S 00° 05' 25.48" | -0.081867 / S 00° 04' 54.72" |
End Elevation: | 3749.0 ft | 3796.0 ft |
Alignment: | 061.0 | 241.0 |
Slope: | 0.7 | -0.7 |
Touchdown Zone Elev.: | 3749.0 | 3796.0 |
Lighting System 1: | High Intensity Runway Lights | High Intensity Runway Lights |
Lighting System 2: | SALS or SALSF | PAPI - Precision Approach Path Indicator |
Lighting System 3: | PAPI - Precision Approach Path Indicator |
Caution - Ocnl BASH, stray livestock and unauthd pers in vcnty of rwy. |
Customs/Agriculture/Immigration - Avbl. |
Fuel - Avbl by PN with Shell. (NC-100LL, A1). Acft opr are advs to use credit cards or make prior arng with Shell Co for avn fuel purchase. |
Operating Hours - Opr 0330-1800Z. |
Restricted - 180 turns proh on rwy for acft with GWT 28,200 lbs or more. |