FAA Information Effective: | 2013-12-12 |
Airport Identifier: | RAC |
Airport Status: | Operational |
Longitude/Latitude: | 087-48-50.1000W/42-45-40.2000N -87.813917/42.761167 (Estimated) |
Elevation: | 673 ft / 205.13 m (Surveyed) |
Land: | 467 acres |
From nearest city: | 2 nautical miles NW of Racine, WI |
Location: | Racine County, WI |
Magnetic Variation: | 02W (1995) |
Ownership: | Privately owned |
Owner: | Racine Commercial Aprt Corp. |
Address: | 3239 N. Green Bay Rd Racine, WI 53404 |
Phone number: | 262-631-5620 |
Manager: | David Mann |
Address: | 3239 N. Green Bay Rd Racine, WI 53404 |
Phone number: | 262-631-5620 FAX NR 262-833-9999 |
Airport Use: | Open to public |
Wind indicator: | Yes |
Segmented Circle: | No |
Control Tower: | No |
Lighting Schedule: | SEE RMK ACTVT HIRL RY 04/22 & MIRL RY 14/32; PAPI RYS 04 & 14; REIL RYS 04; 22; 14 & 32; MALSF RY 04 - CTAF. PAPI RY 22 OPERS 24 HRS. |
Beacon Color: | Clear-Green (lighted land airport) |
Landing fee charge: | No |
Sectional chart: | Chicago |
Region: | AGL - Great Lakes |
Boundary ARTCC: | ZAU - Chicago |
Tie-in FSS: | GRB - Green Bay |
FSS on Airport: | No |
FSS Toll Free: | 1-800-WX-BRIEF |
NOTAMs Facility: | RAC (NOTAM-d service avaliable) |
Federal Agreements: | NBMY |
CTAF: | 123.075 |
Unicom: | 123.075 |
Fuel available: | 100LLA |
Airframe Repair: | MAJOR |
Power Plant Repair: | MAJOR |
Bottled Oxygen: | NONE |
Bulk Oxygen: | NONE |
Dimension: | 6574 x 100 ft / 2003.8 x 30.5 m |
Surface: | CONC, Good Condition |
Surface Treatment: | Saw-cut or plastic Grooved |
Weight Limit: | Single wheel: 50000 lbs. Dual wheel: 65000 lbs. |
Edge Lights: | High |
Runway 04 | Runway 22 | |
Longitude: | 087-49-13.3626W | 087-48-20.4111W |
Latitude: | 42-45-15.6543N | 42-46-07.5592N |
Elevation: | 672.00 ft | 665.00 ft |
Alignment: | 37 | 127 |
ILS Type: | ILS | |
Traffic Pattern: | Left | Left |
Markings: | Precision instrument, Good Condition | Precision instrument, Good Condition |
Crossing Height: | 45.00 ft | 46.00 ft |
Displaced threshold: | 734.00 ft | 390.00 ft |
VASI: | 4-light PAPI on left side | 4-light PAPI on left side |
Visual Glide Angle: | 3.00° | 3.00° |
Approach lights: | MALSF | |
Runway End Identifier: | Yes | Yes INTMT W SIDE. |
Centerline Lights: | No | No |
Touchdown Lights: | No | No |
Obstruction: | 6 ft road, 200.0 ft from runway, 140 ft right of centerline APCH RATIO 38:1 BASED ON DSPLCD THLD; 40 FT POLES 1520 FT 350 FT L. 10 FT FENCE 53 FT FM RY END; RD 0 FT 200 FT FM THR. | 8 ft rr, 200.0 ft from runway, 50 ft left of centerline APCH RATIO 50:1 BASED ON DSPLCD THLD. RR 60 FT FM THLD 230 FT L OF CNTRLN. |
Dimension: | 4422 x 100 ft / 1347.8 x 30.5 m |
Surface: | ASPH, Good Condition |
Weight Limit: | Single wheel: 25000 lbs. Dual wheel: 35000 lbs. |
Edge Lights: | Medium |
Runway 14 | Runway 32 | |
Longitude: | 087-49-16.3542W | 087-48-33.2221W |
Latitude: | 42-45-53.1993N | 42-45-23.2359N |
Elevation: | 674.00 ft | 658.00 ft |
Alignment: | 127 | 127 |
Traffic Pattern: | Left | Left |
Markings: | Non-precision instrument, Good Condition | Non-precision instrument, Good Condition |
Crossing Height: | 59.00 ft | 0.00 ft |
Displaced threshold: | 806.00 ft | 0.00 ft |
VASI: | 4-light PAPI on left side | |
Visual Glide Angle: | 4.00° | 0.00° |
Runway End Identifier: | Yes | Yes |
Centerline Lights: | No | No |
Touchdown Lights: | No | No |
Obstruction: | 15 ft road, 200.0 ft from runway APCH RATIO 22:1 TO DSPLCD THLD. 10' FENCE 72' FM THR; ROAD AT 0-200' FM THR & HOUSE AT 200'FM THR. | 38 ft tree, 770.0 ft from runway, 100 ft left of centerline, 15:1 slope to clear |
EST PRIOR TO 1959. |