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Information of Villefranche Tarare Airport

Villefranche, France

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Location & QuickFacts

Airport ICAO Code:LFHV
Airport Type:A - Civil
Longitude/Latitude:E 004° 38' 05.66"/N 45° 54' 07.01"
Elevation:1076 ft / 327.96 m
Location:Villefranche, France
Magnetic Variation:E 0°06.3' (2008-04)
Time Zone:UTC+1(+2DT)

Runway Information

Runway 18/36

Dimension:3412 x 98 ft / 1040.0 x 29.9 m
Surface:Asphalt, asphaltic concrete, tar macadam, or bitumen bound macadam.
  Runway 18 Runway 36
Longitude:4.635000 / E 004° 38' 06.00"4.634811 / E 004° 38' 05.32"
Latitude:45.923300 / N 45° 55' 23.88"45.913931 / N 45° 54' 50.15"
End Elevation:1075.0 ft1043.0 ft
Touchdown Zone Elev.:UnknownUnknown
Displaced Threshold:336 ft131 ft
Lighting System 1:Low Intensity Runway Lighting SystemLow Intensity Runway Lighting System
Lighting System 2:PAPI - Precision Approach Path IndicatorPAPI - Precision Approach Path Indicator

Runway 18L/36R

Dimension:3609 x 262 ft / 1100.0 x 79.9 m
Surface:Grass or earth not graded or rolled.
  Runway 18L Runway 36R
Longitude:4.636039 / E 004° 38' 09.74"4.635581 / E 004° 38' 08.09"
Latitude:45.923514 / N 45° 55' 24.65"45.913814 / N 45° 54' 49.73"
End Elevation:1073.0 ft1043.0 ft
Touchdown Zone Elev.:UnknownUnknown


Fuel - Avbl 0900-1100Z++, 1300-1600Z++ Mon; 0830-1130Z++, 1230-1700Z++ Thu-Sun. (NC-100LL, A1)
Lighting - PAPI Rwy 18 GS 3.7 MEHT 16', PAPI Rwy 36 MEHT 22'. Thld lgt on Rwy 18-36.
Operating Hours - Opr HX.

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