Airport ICAO Code: | LGKF |
Airport IATA Code: | EFL |
Airport Type: | A - Civil |
Longitude/Latitude: | E 020° 30' 01.73"/N 38° 07' 12.25" 20.500481/38.120069 |
Elevation: | 59 ft / 17.98 m |
Location: | Kefalonia (Kefallinia, Cephallonia), Greece |
Magnetic Variation: | E 3°03.5' (2008-04) |
Time Zone: | UTC+2(+3DT) |
Type | Name | Freq 1 | Freq 2 | Freq 3 | Freq 4 | Freq 5 |
Air/Ground | RDO | 5637 K | 2989 M | |||
Aerodrome Flight Info Service | AFIS INFO | 122.25 M | 122.1 M | 257.8 M |
Dimension: | 7992 x 148 ft / 2436.0 x 45.1 m |
Surface: | Asphalt, asphaltic concrete, tar macadam, or bitumen bound macadam. |
Runway 14 | Runway 32 | |
Longitude: | 20.492789 / E 020° 29' 34.04" | 20.508172 / E 020° 30' 29.42" |
Latitude: | 38.129175 / N 38° 07' 45.03" | 38.110964 / N 38° 06' 39.47" |
End Elevation: | 31.0 ft | 50.0 ft |
Alignment: | 143.0 | 323.0 |
Slope: | 0.2 | -0.2 |
Touchdown Zone Elev.: | 52.0 | 59.0 |
Displaced Threshold: | 0 ft | 912 ft |
Lighting System 1: | High Intensity Runway Lights | High Intensity Runway Lights |
Caution - When E winds fr 050 -130 of 15 Kt or more prevail, exp severe turb on apch Rwy 14. Bird haz. 1000 ft of rwy 32. |
Customs/Immigration - Avbl H24 - 4 hr PN. |
Fuel - (NC-A1) |
Lighting - ABn coded KFL. |
Operating Hours - Opr by NOTAM. |