FAA Information Effective: | 2013-12-12 |
Airport Identifier: | 1K9 |
Airport Status: | Operational |
Longitude/Latitude: | 100-59-04.6000W/37-27-24.0000N -100.984611/37.456667 (Estimated) |
Elevation: | 2976 ft / 907.08 m (Estimated) |
Land: | 160 acres |
From nearest city: | 1 nautical miles N of Satanta, KS |
Location: | Haskell County, KS |
Magnetic Variation: | 09E (1985) |
Ownership: | Publicly owned |
Owner: | Dudley Township |
Address: | Rt 1 Box 121 Satanta, KS 67870 |
Phone number: | 620-649-2348 |
Manager: | Bill Anton |
Address: | 2268 Road Ii Satanta, KS 67870 |
Phone number: | 620-649-7172 |
Airport Use: | Open to public |
Wind indicator: | Yes |
Segmented Circle: | No |
Control Tower: | No |
Lighting Schedule: | SEE RMK ACTVT MIRL RY 03/21 - CTAF. |
Beacon Color: | Clear-Green (lighted land airport) |
Landing fee charge: | No |
Sectional chart: | Wichita |
Region: | ACE - Central |
Boundary ARTCC: | ZKC - Kansas City |
Tie-in FSS: | ICT - Wichita |
FSS on Airport: | No |
FSS Toll Free: | 1-800-WX-BRIEF |
NOTAMs Facility: | ICT (NOTAM-d service avaliable) |
Federal Agreements: | N |
CTAF: | 122.800 |
Unicom: | 122.800 |
Fuel available: | 100LL FUEL SELF SVC 24 HR WITH CREDIT CARD. |
Bottled Oxygen: | NONE |
Bulk Oxygen: | NONE |
Dimension: | 3250 x 40 ft / 990.6 x 12.2 m |
Surface: | ASPH, |
Edge Lights: | Medium |
Runway 03 | Runway 21 | |
Longitude: | 100-59-17.5300W | 100-58-51.7100W |
Latitude: | 37-27-11.6900N | 37-27-36.3700N |
Traffic Pattern: | Left | Left |
Markings: | Basic, Good Condition | Basic, Good Condition |
UNLGTD 200 FT AND ANT 7500 FT SW OF RY 03. |