Only manufactueres with 3 or more aircraft registered are listed.
L'Aventurier (4)
LH Aviation (6)
LTV (427)
LVG (20)
LWD (3)
La Mouette (5)
La Mouette Sarl (9)
Laird (29)
Laird Swallow Manufacturing (6)
Laister Sailplane Products (36)
Laister-Kauffman (114)
Lake (606)
Lamb (3)
Lambair (6)
Lambert (22)
Lamco (10)
Lampich (3)
Lanaverre-industrie (28)
Lancair (1893)
Lancair-CIAC (3)
Lang (3)
Lange (30)
Lanshe Aerospace Llc (12)
Lark (4)
Laser (3)
Latécoére (18)
Laverda (14)
Laviasa (3)
Lavochkin (11)
Lazair (476)
LeVitation (4)
Learjet (2835)
Learjet Inc (982)
Ledoux Robert E (5)
Leduc (4)
Lefevre Gerard H (4)
Legend Aircraft (16)
Lehtovaara (15)
Leonard (3)
Leonardo (246)
Leopoldoff (22)
Let (1789)
Let-Mont (4)
Letov (61)
Levier (12)
Leza-Lockwood (85)
Libert (65)
Liberty (180)
Libra Balloons (3)
Light Aero (213)
Light Miniature (9)
Light R (8)
Light Sport Inc (3)
Light Wing (4)
Lightair (6)
Lincoln (17)
Lincoln Page (3)
Lindstrand (295)
Lindstrand Balloons (624)
Lindstrand Balloons Ltd (192)
Lindstrand Hot Air Balloons Ltd (66)
Lippisch (8)
Lisunov (43)
LiteFlite (6)
Llopis (13)
Llopis Balloons (27)
Lobet (5)
Lockheed (8736)
Lockheed (Kawasaki) (11)
Lockheed Martin (1518)
Lockheed-PacAero (7)
Lockwood (119)
Loehle (110)
Loening (5)
London And Provincial Aviation Company (3)
Long (19)
Long Harry W (3)
Longmire (3)
Longo Paula (3)
Loravia (5)
Loucks Gary D (4)
Lovegrove Pc (4)
Lovings Love (4)
Lsa America Inc (3)
Lucas (20)
Ludwig Larry E (4)
Luscombe (3366)
Luton (81)
Lyons Robert (3)
llyushin (3)