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Helicopterfriend's Photo Gallery

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Aircraft and aiport photos are sorted separately. Airport photos always shown after aircraft photos.

N237AC photo, click to enlarge
Ground taxiing towards the hanger
N237AC photo, click to enlarge
Settling down on runway 35 near taxiway Bravo2
N237AC photo, click to enlarge
Flaring to slow down approaching the area of taxiway Bravo2
N237AC photo, click to enlarge
On final to runway 35
N237AC photo, click to enlarge
Skimming above the water surface at 35-45 knots as the hydrofoil ram scoop forces water up and into the tank. With the Sea Snorkel, refill can be accomplished in 30 seconds.
N237AC photo, click to enlarge
The hovering snorkel pump cage has to be submerged in the water source to operate efficiently, a minimum water depth of 18 inches is required for hover-fill operations, 45 secs to fill 2650 gal tank
N237AC photo, click to enlarge
San Diego Gas & Electric, Sun Bird, parked near High Performance Aircraft hanger, with support and fuel trucks on the side