Airport ICAO Code: | AYKV |
Airport IATA Code: | KVG |
Longitude/Latitude: | E 150° 48' 28.72"/S 02° 34' 45.83" 150.807978/-2.579397 |
Elevation: | 7 ft / 2.13 m |
Location: | Kavieng, Papua New Guinea |
Magnetic Variation: | E 6°06.9' (2008-04) |
Time Zone: | UTC+10 |
Type | Name | Freq 1 | Freq 2 | Freq 3 | Freq 4 | Freq 5 |
Flight Service Station | LAE | 127.1 M | 3425 M | 5565 M | 8861 M | 11393 K |
Dimension: | 5592 x 98 ft / 1704.4 x 29.9 m |
Surface: | Asphalt, asphaltic concrete, tar macadam, or bitumen bound macadam. |
Runway 12 | Runway 30 | |
Longitude: | 150.801697 / E 150° 48' 06.11" | 150.814261 / E 150° 48' 51.34" |
Latitude: | -2.574983 / S 02° 34' 29.94" | -2.583814 / S 02° 35' 01.73" |
End Elevation: | 13.0 ft | 15.0 ft |
Alignment: | 119.0 | 299.0 |
Slope: | Unknown | Unknown |
Touchdown Zone Elev.: | Unknown | Unknown |
Lighting System 1: | Pilot Controlled Lighting | Pilot Controlled Lighting |
Lighting System 2: | Low Intensity Runway Lighting System | Low Intensity Runway Lighting System |
Lighting System 3: | VASI - Visual Approach Slope Indicator | VASI - Visual Approach Slope Indicator |
Caution - Acft exec max rad turns on rwy ends. Bird haz. |
Fuel - Avbl 0800-1600Z dly. (NC-100, A1) |
Lighting - 30 NM remote switch ctl by 10 sec pulse on 125.8 for 1 hr rwy and T-VASI lgt. Use of remote switch ctl dur daylt hr will opr VASI only. |
Miscellanouis - MET 2000-0900Z. |