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Information of Yokota Air Base

(suburbs of Tokyo), Japan

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Location & QuickFacts

Airport ICAO Code:RJTY
Airport IATA Code:OKO
Longitude/Latitude:E 139° 20' 54.54"/N 35° 44' 54.57"
Elevation:463 ft / 141.12 m
Location:(suburbs of Tokyo), Japan
Magnetic Variation:W 6°59.9' (2008-04)
Time Zone:UTC+9

Airport Communications

Type Name Freq 1 Freq 2 Freq 3 Freq 4 Freq 5
Air/Ground AG292.1 M
Airport Advisory Service RADAR ADVSY SVC118.3 M120.7 M261.4 M270.6 M317.85 M
Approach Control APP118.3 M123.8 M261.4 M270.6 M
Automatic Terminal Information Service ATIS128.4 M281.0 M
Clearance Delivery CLNC DEL131.4 M249.95 M
Departure Control DEP122.1 M363.8 M
Ground Control GND133.2 M308.6 M
Pilot To Metro Service PMSV METRO344.6 M
Command Post AMC COMD POST128.0 M349.4 M
Pilot To Dispatcher PTD119.0 M313.6 M
Radio 374 AW COM CNTR128.0 M325.8 M276.2 M349.4 M
Tower TWR134.3 M315.8 M

Communication Remarks

  • Air/Ground - See Global HF Systems listing in FIH.
  • Approach Control - 118.3 270.6 (Sfc to upper limits of airspace outside 30 NM of YOK, abv 5000' wi 30 NM of YOK) 123.8 261.4 (Sfc to 5000' wi 30 NM of YOK)
  • Automatic Terminal Information Service - (MP 2245-2315Z Thu)
  • Ground Control - All aircraft contact prior to engine start.
  • Pilot To Metro Service - (Unuse 210 to 330 byd 40 NM blw 14,000').
  • Command Post - AMC/AMC contract aircraft must ctc AMC COMMAND POST prior to ldg and make rqr known.
  • Pilot To Dispatcher - VFR tran copter acft ctc with ETA, gnd handling, and VIP info prior to entering CTLZ.
  • Radio - Secure capable.
  • Tower - TWR on-call 1300-2000Z dly with 30 min response.

Runway Information

Runway 18/36

Dimension:11000 x 200 ft / 3352.8 x 61.0 m
  Runway 18 Runway 36
Longitude:139.345356 / E 139° 20' 43.28"139.351608 / E 139° 21' 05.79"
Latitude:35.763389 / N 35° 45' 48.20"35.733597 / N 35° 44' 00.95"
End Elevation:463.0 ft417.0 ft
Touchdown Zone Elev.:463.0430.0
Lighting System 1:Sequenced Flashing LightsSequenced Flashing Lights
Lighting System 2:Centerline Lighting SystemTouchdown Zone Lighting
Lighting System 3:High Intensity Runway LightsCenterline Lighting System
Lighting System 4:ALSF-1High Intensity Runway Lights
Lighting System 5:PAPI - Precision Approach Path IndicatorALSF-1
Lighting System 6:PAPI - Precision Approach Path Indicator


A-GEAR - Ctc ctl twr 30 min prior for apch end BAK-12.
Caution - Terrain rises rapidly W of final apch crs. If on vectors to final, DO NOT CROSS W of YOK R-185 or R-355. Turn inbd on apch if no turn is rcv. Do not mistake Iruma 7 NM NNE or Tachikawa 4 NM ESE for Yokota. Advs ATC when making AUTOLAND/COUP
Caution - LED ILS Apch. Ctl veh tfc cros ovrn both ends of rwy. C-130 acft conduct maint eng runs on prk lctn W of rwy. Prop wash may adversely affect acft ctl performance. Ctl twr blind spots on twy Golf and Alpha. Twy Juliet clsd, pers and eqpt wor
Caution - king dly 2230-0900Z ; Most of E ramp twy unlit; day/VFR only, follow-me rqr night/IFR. Hawks freq cir over the fld, crows fly across rwy, advs ATC or PTD of haz bird act. Peak bird act Apr-Oct. Pers and eqpt cros Golf twy dly 2230-1000Z. Pe
Caution - rs and eqpt working dly 2230-0730Z near Golf twy. Numerous obst on/off-base at both end of rwy are not lit.
Customs/Agriculture/Immigration - Avbl btn 1300-2000Z dly with 4 hr PN.
Fluid - LPOX LOX W-Ltd qty, PN rqr, Fone DSN 225-9187; SP
Fuel - J8
JASU - (A/M32A-86) (AM32-95) (MA-1A)
Lighting - Nstd ALS, SFL 200' fr rwy thld; SFL and PAPI lgt are step capable. Rwy 36 PAPI GS not coincidental with ILS GS. Rwy 18 PAPI GS not coincidental with ILS GS.
Miscellanouis - PREFERRED ARR/DEP RTE in Sec E will be used. All AMC msn acft ctc AMC CTL CNTR 30 min out with arr/dep info and coord concurrent svc. All acft with code 6 and abv must ctc 374 AW COM CNTR 15 min (copters 10 min) prior to ldg with arr msg a
Miscellanouis - nd block time; copters with DV use pad (primary) DV-1 (RED CARPET), altn DV-2 (south of DV-1). Ltd stor of COMSEC packages SECRET and blw avbl at Base OPS. See FLIP PLANNING AP/3. Base OPS has no COMSEC avbl for Tran aircrew and ltd COMSEC
Miscellanouis - stor avbl. Crews should plan to arr with appropriate amount of COMSEC to compl entire msn. ATC pers will notify WX of chg as part of Cooperative WX Watch (CWW) pro. CWW will incl but is not ltd to twr and sctr vis and significant PIREP info
Miscellanouis - to be incl in obsn TAFs. Base WX stn open Sun-Sat 2100-1300Z (0600-2200L) and dur 374 AW flying hrs. Automated sensor provides obsn. Ltd WX brief support. Remote WX brief/phone patch avbl fr 17th WX Squadron at DSN: 315-449-7924/8333/8335,
Miscellanouis - 2 hr ntc rqr for timely brief. WX vis ltd due to bldg obscuring horizon fr the SW thru the NW quad. All non-AMC Tran aircrews on gnd 4 or more hr must ck into Afld Mgt Ops and provide POC info prior to going to billeting.
Noise Abadment - See FLIP Planning, AP/3. Nationally estab quiet hr in eff at YOKOTA 1300-2100Z dly, program strictly enforced. Dur wkend, 0900Z Fri to 2100Z Mon, tran acft exp str-in full stop ldg, multi apch not auth. Dur wkd from 1100-1300Z, no tran mult
Noise Abadment - i apch.
Oil - O-128-133-148
Restricted - PPR exc AMC, AMC Chan, AIREVAC, HQ PACAF/5AF drct msn and SAAM msn. Request PPR at least 24 hr in advance, but no earlier than 3 days prior. New PPR rqr if ATA or ETA differs by more than 2 hrs. DSN 225-7006/7214, C0118131175-57006/57214.
Restricted - AMC Comd Cntr, DSN 225-4400, req no AMC or AMC contract acft sked arr/dep aft 1230Z, and rqr PN for AMC or AMC contract acft which must arr/dep aft 1230Z. AM Ops on-call 1300-1900Z dly; Control Tower on-call 1300-2000Z dly; both with 30 mi
Restricted - n response times. Rwy clsd ev sec Fri mthly 0300-0800Z; will open to support Patriot Express msn. Copter avoid ovft of grass area btn rwy end and ramp S of Delta twy. Acft will maint twy cntrln dur taxi opr (300' min btn acft in trail). No
Restricted - vert tkof or ldg by F/W acft (AV8). Non TACAN equip acft radar rqr for dep pro. Wide-bodied acft traveling S on Foxtrot will not turn W onto Bravo East.
Traffic Pattern - Jet/Turbo-prop rectangular and clsd tfc -2000', Recip -1500', Overhead -2500', Clsd VFR tfc pat not auth 2145-2245Z, 0245-0345Z, and 0730-0830Z dly. Tran helicopter must fly VFR pat to SE helipad/rwy only; fly pat to SE only; do not fly nor
Traffic Pattern - th of Hotel; do not overfly Mizuho town.
Transit Alert - Svc avbl 2100-1300Z dly on a priority, space avbl basis. Full svc avbl for C130. Ltd svc avbl for AMC acft. Extremely ltd svc for all other acft. No tow bar for C-37 acft, see AP/3. Multi acft arr/dep, stagger 5 min per acft. Unable
Transit Alert - to support lcl/round robin msn. DSN 225-9385, C0118131175-59385.

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