2009 Aviation Nation |
RAPTOR01 lands as BREEZE airlines holds short |
SWAMP01 landing RW34 |
SWAMP02 coming in to land while declaring an IFE |
SWAMP01 follows SWAMP02 in to RW34 which had declared an IFE. |
RAPTOR02 follows lead to the numbers |
RAPTOR01 heading out for a low level route in Northern NH |
SWAMP01 & RAPTOR flight shutting them down as SWAMP02 gets towed back after declaring an IFE. |
SWAMP01 on the ramp, will fly over the college football game at 1pm |
SWAMP02 landing RW34 |
SWAMP01 landing on RW34 |
MAUL01 taking RW34 to head back to Langley AFB |
CROCK01 7th FS |
CROCK2, an old Tyndall Trainer now at Langley |
CROCK1, 7th FS Wing Jet newly painted |
DAGGER3 out of Langley AFB |
DAGGER2 taxiing to RW34 |
Oshkosh 24 |
SLAM01 out of Langley AFB |
STEAK02 over the numbers for RW34 |
STEAK01 landing RW34 |
DAGGER01 dropping in |
Taxiing up to RW34 |
Talons fired up |
Time to kickstart the Talon |
Time to fire her up and head home |
25th FTS |
Family stop |
BUNYAP04 awaiting release for takeoff |
BUNYAP03 2nd FTS |
BUNYAN01 leading the way to RW16 |
BUNYAP03 part of a 4 ship up from Langley AFB. |
86th FTS |
Sweet painted T-1 Jayhawk heading out after being a static display |
SCOTCH04 still showing Tyndall tail code |
71st FTS |
SCOTCH02, 71st FTS |
SCOTCH01 leads the way to the ramp |
71st FTS stopping in for lunch after flying to Niagara Falls from Langley AFB |
PECOS1 landing RW16 |
71st FTS out of Langley AFB stops in for lunch |
static arrival |
Shutdown and put away |
Beale wingman |
1st RS out of Beale, U-2 pilots |
1st RS out of Beale AFB |
Navy Trainer VT-7 |
Navy Trainer from VT-7 out of NAS Meridian MS |
trainer out of Vance AFB |
33rd FTS |
Tweety Bird |
Trainer from Banshee's 89th FTS out of Sheppard AFB |
Based out of NAS Merridian |
90th FTS |
VT-9 out of NAS Meridian |
Flag ship for the 87th FTS |
87th FTS |
Static arrival |
469th FTS |
560th FTS |
05 Static Display |
Civilian tweety bird |
451st FTS |
87th FTS |
Thunderbird Talon |
tweety photo pass |
Tweety Bird |
F-117 crew in their backup T-38 jet |
VT-7 NAS Meridian |
1st RS |
50th FTS |
50th FTS |
SWAMP01 landing RW16 |
Static Arrival |
Static arrival |
560th FTS |
5th FTS |
7th CTS
Holoman AFB |
Holding short of ramp waiting for parking location |
14th FTW Columbus AFB |
48th FTS |
7th CTS |
559th FTS |
2007 Rhode Island Static |
87FTS |
Navy weekend visitor |
1st RS out of Beale AFB |
1st RS out of Beale AFB |
Back to Randolph AFB |
heading home |
Portsmouth Air Show static |
Static talon arriving |
static arrival |
sneaking in just before the storm |
Made it in just before the sky went nuts. |