Airport ICAO Code: | EDDF |
Airport IATA Code: | FRA |
Airport Type: | A - Civil |
Longitude/Latitude: | E 008° 32' 35.25"/N 50° 01' 35.12" 8.543125/50.026421 |
Elevation: | 364 ft / 110.95 m |
Location: | Frankfurt am Main, Germany |
Magnetic Variation: | E 1°02.0' (2008-04) |
Time Zone: | UTC+1(+2DT) |
Type | Name | Freq 1 | Freq 2 | Freq 3 | Freq 4 | Freq 5 |
Approach/Departure Control | LANGEN RADAR | 120.8 M | 120.15 M | 125.35 M | 136.125 M | 119.025 M |
Aerodrome Flight Info Service | LANGEN INFO | 119.15 M | 359.3 M | |||
Arrival Control | ARR | 118.5 M | ||||
Automatic Terminal Information Service | ATIS | 118.025 M | 118.725 M | |||
Clearance Delivery | DELIVERY | 121.9 M | ||||
Director (Radar/Approach Control) | DIR | 127.275 M | 375.45 M | |||
Ground Control | GND | 121.8 M | ||||
Ramp Control | APN | 121.7 M | 121.85 M | 121.95 M | ||
Tower | TWR | 119.9 M | 124.85 M | 127.325 M | 378.35 M |
Dimension: | 13123 x 197 ft / 3999.9 x 60.0 m |
Surface: | Asphalt, asphaltic concrete, tar macadam, or bitumen bound macadam. |
Runway 07L | Runway 25R | |
Longitude: | 8.534631 / E 008° 32' 04.67" | 8.586981 / E 008° 35' 13.13" |
Latitude: | 50.032617 / N 50° 01' 57.42" | 50.045128 / N 50° 02' 42.46" |
End Elevation: | 329.0 ft | 364.0 ft |
Alignment: | 069.0 | 249.0 |
Slope: | 0.3 | -0.3 |
Touchdown Zone Elev.: | 330.0 | 364.0 |
Lighting System 1: | Sequenced Flashing Lights | Sequenced Flashing Lights |
Lighting System 2: | Touchdown Zone Lighting | Touchdown Zone Lighting |
Lighting System 3: | Centerline Lighting System | Centerline Lighting System |
Lighting System 4: | High Intensity Runway Lights | High Intensity Runway Lights |
Lighting System 5: | Runway End Identifier Lights | Runway End Identifier Lights |
Lighting System 6: | ALSF-2 | ALSF-2 |
Lighting System 7: | PAPI - Precision Approach Path Indicator | PAPI - Precision Approach Path Indicator |
Dimension: | 13123 x 148 ft / 3999.9 x 45.1 m |
Surface: | Concrete. |
Runway 07R | Runway 25L | |
Longitude: | 8.534175 / E 008° 32' 03.03" | 8.586531 / E 008° 35' 11.51" |
Latitude: | 50.027542 / N 50° 01' 39.15" | 50.040053 / N 50° 02' 24.19" |
End Elevation: | 328.0 ft | 362.0 ft |
Alignment: | 069.0 | 249.0 |
Slope: | 0.3 | -0.3 |
Touchdown Zone Elev.: | 330.0 | 362.0 |
Lighting System 1: | Sequenced Flashing Lights | Sequenced Flashing Lights |
Lighting System 2: | Touchdown Zone Lighting | Touchdown Zone Lighting |
Lighting System 3: | Centerline Lighting System | Centerline Lighting System |
Lighting System 4: | High Intensity Runway Lights | High Intensity Runway Lights |
Lighting System 5: | Runway End Identifier Lights | Runway End Identifier Lights |
Lighting System 6: | ALSF-2 | ALSF-2 |
Lighting System 7: | PAPI - Precision Approach Path Indicator | PAPI - Precision Approach Path Indicator |
Dimension: | 13123 x 148 ft / 3999.9 x 45.1 m |
Surface: | Concrete. |
Runway 18 | Runway 36 | |
Longitude: | 8.525928 / E 008° 31' 33.34" | 8.526083 / E 008° 31' 33.90" |
Latitude: | 50.034439 / N 50° 02' 03.98" | 49.998417 / N 49° 59' 54.30" |
End Elevation: | 326.0 ft | 316.0 ft |
Alignment: | 179.0 | 359.0 |
Slope: | -0.1 | 0.1 |
Touchdown Zone Elev.: | Unknown | Unknown |
Lighting System 1: | Centerline Lighting System | Centerline Lighting System |
Lighting System 2: | High Intensity Runway Lights |
Caution - Dur simultaneous use of PAPI and ILS rstd to 200' abv thld. Mult cranes to 197' AGL, 0.5-0.6 NM byd thld Rwy 25R NW of extn RCL pent obst clnc sfc til 23 Dec 08. Mult cranes to 210' AGL, 0.3-0.4 NM in front of thld Rwy 07R and 0.3-0.4 NM S |
Caution - E of RCL pent obst clnc sfc til 31 Mar 09. Rwy 18, strong gusts and turbulance up to tail-wind-components possible with winds btn 200 -160 clockwise abv 15 k. |
Fuel - A1 (Air BP, fone C353 1 8445137) (NC-100LL avbl 0700-2300Z, OT by arng.) |
Lighting - Rwy lgt 10' fr rwy edge. PAPI MEHT Rwy 07R-25L 68', PAPI MEHT Rwy 07L-25R 67'. For all acft on ILS CAT I apch, PAPI is only usable up to a hgt of 200' abv respective thld. |
Miscellanouis - Ctc Frankfurt Delivery prior to eng start. RHEIN MAIN AB portion of afld closed. |
Noise Abadment - On ldg 2100-0500++ reverse thrust shall not be used unless for safety. |
Restricted - Arpt proh to tactical acft ldg (incl as wx altn) not proh as emerg altn. Multi apch trng flt and touch and go ldg not auth. Ldg fees required. Coord arr with General Avn Ramp C069-690-71719/72568 or send fax rqst to C069-690-59446. No apch |
Restricted - or dep Rwy 36. C5, A124, A225 acft not allowed to land exc emerg. |