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Information of Tegel International Airport (closing in 2011)

Berlin, Germany

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Latest photos of Tegel International Airport (closing in 2011)
  • Tegel International Airport (closing in 2011) - airside view of tower at Berlin Tegel airport - by Ingo Warnecke by Ingo Warnecke
  • Tegel International Airport (closing in 2011) - terminals, tower and apron at Berlin Tegel airport - by Ingo Warnecke by Ingo Warnecke
  • Tegel International Airport (closing in 2011) - airberlin aircraft at the eastern apron at Berlin Tegel airport - by Ingo Warnecke by Ingo Warnecke
  • Tegel International Airport (closing in 2011) - western hangar at Berlin Tegel airport - by Ingo Warnecke by Ingo Warnecke
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Location & QuickFacts

Airport ICAO Code:EDDT
Airport IATA Code:TXL
Airport Type:A - Civil
Longitude/Latitude:E 013° 17' 15.76"/N 52° 33' 34.87"
Elevation:122 ft / 37.19 m
Location:Berlin, Germany
Magnetic Variation:E 2°25.8' (2008-04)
Time Zone:UTC+1(+2DT)

Airport Communications

Type Name Freq 1 Freq 2 Freq 3 Freq 4 Freq 5
Aerodrome Flight Info Service BREMEN INFO132.65 M251.375 M
Approach Control BREMEN RADAR119.625 M120.625 M126.425 M119.5 M313.5 M
Automatic Terminal Information Service ATIS125.9 M
Director (Radar/Approach Control) BERLIN DIRECTOR136.1 M121.125 M
Ground Control GND121.925 M121.75 M
Ramp Control BERLIN MIL136.0 M369.25 M
Tower TWR124.525 M118.85 M278.925 M

Communication Remarks

  • Approach Control - (120.625 313.5 DEP)

Runway Information

Runway 08L/26R

Dimension:9918 x 151 ft / 3023.0 x 46.0 m
Surface:Asphalt, asphaltic concrete, tar macadam, or bitumen bound macadam.
  Runway 08L Runway 26R
Longitude:13.265750 / E 013° 15' 56.70"13.309758 / E 013° 18' 35.13"
Latitude:52.557642 / N 52° 33' 27.51"52.561956 / N 52° 33' 43.04"
End Elevation:110.0 ft117.0 ft
Touchdown Zone Elev.:110.0117.0
Lighting System 1:Sequenced Flashing LightsSequenced Flashing Lights
Lighting System 2:Touchdown Zone LightingTouchdown Zone Lighting
Lighting System 3:Centerline Lighting SystemCenterline Lighting System
Lighting System 4:High Intensity Runway LightsHigh Intensity Runway Lights
Lighting System 5:Runway End Identifier LightsRunway End Identifier Lights
Lighting System 6:ALSF-2ALSF-2
Lighting System 7:PAPI - Precision Approach Path IndicatorPAPI - Precision Approach Path Indicator

Runway 08R/26L

Dimension:7966 x 151 ft / 2428.0 x 46.0 m
Surface:Asphalt, asphaltic concrete, tar macadam, or bitumen bound macadam.
  Runway 08R Runway 26L
Longitude:13.274972 / E 013° 16' 29.90"13.310278 / E 013° 18' 37.00"
Latitude:52.556686 / N 52° 33' 24.07"52.560086 / N 52° 33' 36.31"
End Elevation:109.0 ft122.0 ft
Touchdown Zone Elev.:109.0122.0
Displaced Threshold:341 ft722 ft
Lighting System 1:Sequenced Flashing LightsSequenced Flashing Lights
Lighting System 2:Centerline Lighting SystemTouchdown Zone Lighting
Lighting System 3:High Intensity Runway LightsCenterline Lighting System
Lighting System 4:ALSF-1High Intensity Runway Lights
Lighting System 5:PAPI - Precision Approach Path IndicatorRunway End Identifier Lights
Lighting System 6:Center Row
Lighting System 7:PAPI - Precision Approach Path Indicator


Caution - Unmrk ant on bldg 3600' in front of thld Rwy 26R and 410' NW of extended RCL, 195' MSL. Rwy 08/26L clsd dly from 2100-0600Z++ for acft parking.
Customs/Agriculture/Immigration - Avbl 0500-2400Z++, O/R 60 min.
Fuel - A1 (Total BFS) avbl 0500-2300Z++ fone C49-3041013317.
Lighting - PAPI Rwy 08L MEHT 62', Rwy 08R MEHT 64', Rwy 26L MEHT 76', Rwy 26R MEHT 61'.
Miscellanouis - For info about the cond of mil apn ctc Tegel Comd Post prior to dep, fone C49-30-4981-4332 H24. Mil handling only on special req via AFTN to ETNBZPZX or fax C49-30-4981-4336.
Restricted - 24 hr PPR acft using mil site/ramp, via AFTN to ETNBZPZX or via FAX C49-30-4981-4336. Insert PPR No. in item 18 of FPL. Ctc Berlin Military 15 min before ldg. Mil pre-flt briefing avbl 0300-2200Z++ Mon-Fri, OT O/R.

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