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Paul Perry's Photo Gallery

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89-0478 @ GSB - And here's the bang.  AIM-7s, AIM-120s, an AIM-9 and a JDAM
89-0478 @ GSB
89-0478 @ GSB - Looking lean, with no ordnance...
89-0478 @ GSB
89-0488 @ GSB - The First Lady, so to speak.  Wing rep bird, always across the crowds
89-0488 @ GSB
89-0487 @ GSB - Ah, the famous helo killer.
89-0487 @ GSB
88-1696 @ GSB - Another of the few ladies from the 4th FW that took to the air for a demo
88-1696 @ GSB
88-1676 @ GSB - Gunship Gray seldom looks so good
88-1676 @ GSB
86-0189 @ GSB - One of the fly-by birds coming back in
86-0189 @ GSB
89-0484 @ GSB - A very well outfitted lady.
89-0484 @ GSB
89-0483 @ GSB - Backup demo bird, here at her home roost.  She looks sort of forlorn
89-0483 @ GSB
88-1700 @ GSB - Showing off her muscle, in the form of an AGM-130.  Boosh!
88-1700 @ GSB
88-1683 @ GSB - Cheif's bird, sporting nothing but two 600gal tanks and the Nav pod
88-1683 @ GSB
88-1671 @ GSB - First in line away from the show
88-1671 @ GSB