Toulouse Airport, Blagnac Airport France (LFBO), 2016-07-21 C/n 0004 - additional '' titles on the left side |
Toulouse Airport, Blagnac Airport France (LFBO), 2016-07-21 C/n 0004 - additional '#380' titles on the right side |
Toulouse Airport, Blagnac Airport France (LFBO), 2013-11-28 New titles for this aircraft : 'More personnal space / The Airbus confort standard' |
Toulouse Airport, Blagnac Airport France (LFBO), 2013-06-17 C/n 0004 - Additional '24' and 'Own the sky' titles put for Le Bourget Airshow |
Toulouse Airport, Blagnac Airport France (LFBO), 2011-06-19 Taking off to Le Bourget Airshow 2011 with additional "Love at First Flight A380"... in new characterial police and stickers... |
Toulouse Airport, Blagnac Airport France (LFBO), 2011-06-19 Taking off to Le Bourget Airshow 2011 with additional "Love at First Flight A380"... in new characterial police and stickers... |
Toulouse Airport, Blagnac Airport France (LFBO), 2011-06-10 C/n 0004 - now with new modified titles... |
Toulouse Airport, Blagnac Airport France (LFBO), 2011-05-24 Now with white tail... |
Toulouse Airport, Blagnac Airport France (LFBO), 2010-02-17 Taxiing to the gate with additional '2010' sticker to promote the bio-carburant year... |
Toulouse Airport, Blagnac Airport France (LFBO), 2008-07-10 C/n 004 - With with special titles... |
Toulouse Airport, Blagnac Airport France (LFBO), 2009-05-20 Trackted to Lagardere plant and with Engine Alliance engines... |
Toulouse Airport, Blagnac Airport France (LFBO), 2008-10-15 Refurbishing started with 2 engines removed... |