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Doug Robertson's Photo Gallery

Total 43968 pictures. 214 in this folder.   Contact    Home

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Aircraft and aiport photos are sorted separately. Airport photos always shown after aircraft photos.

N685LA photo, click to enlarge
1965 Cessna 185D SKYWAGON, Continental 0-470 230 Hp, takeoff climb Runway 22, see also photos when pannier-equipped
N185GE photo, click to enlarge
1976 Cessna A185F SKYWAGON, Continental IO-520 285 Hp, takeoff climb Rwy 22
N185TK photo, click to enlarge
1981 Cessna A185F SKYWAGON II, Continental IO-520D 300 Hp, taxi
N185TK photo, click to enlarge
1981 Cessna A185F SKYWAGON II, Continental IO-520D 300 Hp, takeoff climb Rwy 22
N92503 photo, click to enlarge
1976 Cessna A185F SKYWAGON 185, Continental IO-520 285 Hp, 6 seats
N84TM photo, click to enlarge
1978 Cessna A185F SKYWAGON, Continental IO-520 285 Hp, takeoff climb Rwy 22
N185GE photo, click to enlarge
1976 Cessna A185F SKYWAGON, Continental IO-520 285 Hp, rolled out from hangar-will fly today
N185GE photo, click to enlarge
1976 Cessna A185F SKYWAGON, Continental IO-520 285 Hp, taxi to Rwy 22
N185GE photo, click to enlarge
1976 Cessna A185F SKYWAGON, Continental IO-520 285 Hp, takeoff roll Rwy 22
N241RD photo, click to enlarge
1975 Cessna A185F SKYWAGON, Continental IO-520 285 Hp, wing Micro Vortex Generators
N24SL photo, click to enlarge
1981 Cessna 180K SKYWAGON II, Continental O-470 230 Hp, visitor from Washington state-beautiful appearance.
N241RD photo, click to enlarge
1975 Cessna A185F SKYWAGON, Continental IO-520 285 Hp, 6 seats, wing Micro vortex generators, on Transient ramp