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Doug Robertson's Photo Gallery

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Aircraft and aiport photos are sorted separately. Airport photos always shown after aircraft photos.

N3058H photo, click to enlarge
1946 ERCO Ercoupe 415C, Continental C85 85 hp upgrade
N3058H photo, click to enlarge
1946 ERCO Ercoupe 415C Continental C85 85 Hp upgrade
N2081H photo, click to enlarge
1946 ERCO 415C Ercoupe, Continental O-200 100 Hp, taxi
N2081H photo, click to enlarge
1946 ERCO 415C Ercoupe, Continental O-200 100 Hp, taxi to Rwy 04
N2081H photo, click to enlarge
1946 ERCO 415C Ercoupe, Continental O-200 100 Hp, takeoff roll Rwy 04
N3058H photo, click to enlarge
1946 ERCO ERCOUPE 415-C, Continental C85 85 Hp, taxi back. This Ercoupe was formerly hangared here and returns for cheaper fueling.
N2081H photo, click to enlarge
1946 ERCO 415C ERCOUPE, Continental A&C75 75 Hp, taxi back
N2081H photo, click to enlarge
1946 ERCO 415C Ercoupe, Continental A&C75 75 Hp,taxi back
N2081H photo, click to enlarge
1946 ERCO 415C Ercoupe, Continental A&C75 75 Hp, takeoff climb Rwy 22
N3058H photo, click to enlarge
1946 ERCO 415C Ercoupe, Continental C85 85 Hp, on final Rwy 22
N3058H photo, click to enlarge
1946 ERCO 415C Ercoupe, Continental C85 85 Hp, formerly based/hangared at SZP, on final Rwy 22
N93812 photo, click to enlarge
1946 ERCO ERCOUPE 415C, Continental A&C75 75 Hp upgrade, taxi to Rwy 22