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Doug Robertson's Photo Gallery

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168798 photo, click to enlarge
BELL AH-1Z VIPER (ZULU COBRA), two General Electric T700-GE-401C Turboshafts 1,800 shp each for two minutes, Vne 255 mph, Of USMC, Armament: guns, rockets, missiles. Crew-2, but busy!
168798 photo, click to enlarge
BELL AH-1Z VIPER (ZULU COBRA), two General Electric T700-GE-401C Turboshafts, 1,800 shp each max 2 minutes, Vne 255 mph, of USMC. Armament: guns, rockets, missiles. Tail data
168796 photo, click to enlarge
BELL UH-1Y VENOM (SUPER HUEY), two General Electric T700-GE-401C Turboshafts, 1,546 shp continuous, Vne-227 mph, Of USMC. Armament-guns, rockets, missiles
168796 photo, click to enlarge
Bell UH-1Y VENOM (SUPER HUEY), two General Electric T700-GE-401C Turboshafts 1,546 shp each continuous. Vne-227 mph, Of USMC, armament-guns, rockets, missiles, tail data
165447 photo, click to enlarge
Bell AH-1H Super Cobra of HMLAT 303, two General Electric T700-401 Turboshaft 1,690 shp each
165447 photo, click to enlarge
Bell AH-1H Super Cobra of HMLAT 303, two General Electric T700-401 Turboshaft 1,690 Hp each
165447 photo, click to enlarge
Bell AH-1W SuperCobra of HMLAT 303, tow General Electric T700-401 Turboshaft 1,690 shp each, max speed 218 mph, BuNo
165447 photo, click to enlarge
Bell AH-1W SuperCobra of HMLAT-303 attack helicopter, Armament: 20 mm M197 3 barreled cannon in turret, 2.75 inch Hydra 70 rockets, 127 mm Zuni rockets, TOW missiles, AGM-114 Hellfire missiles & AGM-9 Sidewinder missiles
165447 photo, click to enlarge
Bell AH-1W SuperCobra of HMLAT-303, USMC Camp Pendleton, two General Electric T700-401 Turboshaft engines 1,690 shp each, max speed 218 mph
165447 photo, click to enlarge
Bell AH-1W SuperCobra of HMLAT-303, two General Electric T700-401 Turboshaft engines 1,690 shp each, max speed 218 mph, BuNo
166687 photo, click to enlarge
Bell-Boeing MV-22B 'OSPREY' of USMC VMM-266, 2 Rolls Royce AE1107C Liberty Turboshaft 6,150 shp each, FADEC & HOTAS, cross-coupled transmission, fixed wing, folding proprotors. Design allows vertical or horizontal flight at ANY climb or descent angle.
166687 photo, click to enlarge
Bell-Boeing MV-22B 'OSPREY' of USMC Squadron VMM-266, two Rolls Royce AE1107C Liberty Turboshaft 6,150 shp each, FADEC & HOTAS, cross-coupled transmission, fixed wing, folding proprotors, Unique, World's first production successful tilt-rotor aircraft.