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Doug Robertson's Photo Gallery

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N779R photo, click to enlarge
2005 EXTRA FLUGZEUGBAU GMBH EXTRA EA-300/L, Lycoming AEIO-540-L1B5 300 Hp, low wing version, outside SZP Paint Hangar.
N779R photo, click to enlarge
2005 EXTRA FLUGZEUGBAU GMBH EXTRA EA-300/L, Lycoming AEIO-540-L1B5 300 Hp, low wing version. outside SZP Paint Hangar.
N302NL photo, click to enlarge
1995 Extra Flugzeugbau Gmbh EA-300, Lycoming AEIO-540 300 Hp, mid-wing version with lower fenestration, fully aerobatic. Extreme aerobatics? Bring 'em on!
N302NL photo, click to enlarge
1995 Extra Flugzeugbau Gmbh EA-300, Lycoming AEIO-540 300 Hp, fully aerobatic with ample power
N302NL photo, click to enlarge
1995 Extra Flugzeugbau EA-300, Lycoming AEIO-540 300 Hp, lower fenestration assures visibility during extreme aerobatics, this is the mid-wing version, a low wing version also available.
N302NL photo, click to enlarge
1995 Extra EA-300 Flugzeugbau Gmbh, Lycoming AEIO-540 300 Hp
N498MB photo, click to enlarge
EXTRA FLUGZEUGPRODUKTIONS EA300/SC, unknown engine, holding short Rwy 22
N498MB photo, click to enlarge
EXTRA FLUGZEUGPRODUKTIONS EA300/SC, unknown engine, taking the active Rwy 22
N498MB photo, click to enlarge
EXTRA FLUGZEUGPRODUKTIONS EA300/SC, unknown engine, takeoff roll Rwy 22
N498MB photo, click to enlarge
EXTRA FLUGZEUGPRODUKTIONS EA300/SC, unknown engine, takeoff climb Rwy 04
N302NL photo, click to enlarge
1995 Extra Fleugzeugbau GMBH EA-300, Lycoming AEIO-540 300 hp, mid-wing version
N302NL photo, click to enlarge
1995 Extra Fleugzeugbau GMBH EA-300, Lycoming AEIO-540 300 Hp