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Doug Robertson's Photo Gallery

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N52TH photo, click to enlarge
1999 Hastings Cirrus Design VK-30, Viken-Klapmeier design forerunner of Cirrus. Cont. IO-550 300 Hp pusher. 34 kits sold, this is first one completed after 9 year build. Ten are flying. Gear retracts. Interior is deluxe. At AOPA FLY-In.
N52TH photo, click to enlarge
1999 Hastings Cirrus Design VK-30, Continental IO-550 300 Hp tri-blade pusher prop, 34 kits were sold, this is first one completed after 9 year build, 10 are flying, trailing link main gear, tri-gear retractable, landing roll Rwy 22
N52TH photo, click to enlarge
1999 Hastings Cirrus Design VK-30, Continental IO-550 300 Hp pusher tri-blade prop, 34 kits were sold, this is first one flying after 9 year build. Ten are flying. Experimental class. Landing roll Rwy 22
N52TH photo, click to enlarge
1999 Hastings Cirrus Design VK-30, Continental I0-550 300 Hp pusher, Cirrus Design sold 34 VK-30 kits, this is first one completed after nine year build. Taxi back after landing Rwy 22.
N52TH photo, click to enlarge
1999 Hastings Cirrus Design VK-30, Continental IO-550 300 Hp, tri-blade pusher prop, trailing link main gear, retractable tri-gear, Experimental class, see aloft in DVD 'One Six Right'. Taxi back after landing Rwy 22
N52TH photo, click to enlarge
1999 Hastings Cirrus Design VK-30, Continental IO-550 300 Hp pusher, Cirrus Design sold 34 VK-30 kits, this is first one completed and flying after 9 year build. Ten are flying. taxi back.
N52TH photo, click to enlarge
1999 Hastings Cirrus Design VK-30, Continental IO-550 300 Hp pusher, Cirrus Design sold 34 VK-30 kits, this is first completed after 9 year build, 10 are flying. Always a crowd pleaser. See N52TH aloft in DVD 'One Six Right'.
N52TH photo, click to enlarge
1999 Hastings Cirrus Design VK-30, Continental IO-550 300 Hp pusher with 3-blade CS prop, deluxe panel and interior leather, four place
N52TH photo, click to enlarge
1999 Hastings Cirrus Design VK-30, Continental IO-550 300 Hp pusher with 3-blade prop. deluxe panel and interior, four place
N52TH photo, click to enlarge
1999 Hastings Cirrus Design VK-30, Continental IO-550 300 Hp pusher, 3-blade prop. Cirrus Design sold 34 VK-30 kits, this is first completed after 9 year build, 10 are flying. Taxi to 26
N52TH photo, click to enlarge
1999 Hastings Cirrus Design VK-30, Continental IO-550 300 Hp pusher. Cirrus Design sold 34 VK-30 kits, this is the first one completed and flying after 9 year build. Ten are flying.
N52TH photo, click to enlarge
1999 Hastings Cirrus Design VK-30, Continental IO-550 pusher tri-blade prop, Cirrus Design sold 34 VK-30 kits, this is the first one flying after 9 year build, 10 are flying, taxi