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Doug Robertson's Photo Gallery

Total 43968 pictures. 35 in this folder.   Contact    Home

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Aircraft and aiport photos are sorted separately. Airport photos always shown after aircraft photos.

N3832K photo, click to enlarge
1983 Partenavia P.68C VICTOR, two Lycoming IO-360-A1B 200 Hp each, C is longer nose version. Italian light utility transport-pilot & 5 passengers. Max speed 201 mph at sea level. Fixed-gear version.
N6602L photo, click to enlarge
1984 Partenavia S. p. a. P.68 OBSERVER, two Lycoming IO-360 A&C 200 Hp each
N3832K photo, click to enlarge
1983 Partenavia P.68C VICTOR, two Lycoming IO-360-A1B 200 Hp each, C is longer nose version, takeoff roll Rwy 25
N88N photo, click to enlarge
1986 Partenavia Spa P.68TC VICTOR, two turbocharged Lycoming TIO-360-C1A6D 210 Hp each, seven seats, of Aspen Helicopters, taxi
N88N photo, click to enlarge
1986 Partenavia Spa P.68TC VICTOR, two Lycoming TIO-360-C1A6D 210 Hp each
N6602L photo, click to enlarge
1984 Partenavia S. p. a. P.68 OBSERVER, two Lycoming IO-360 A&C 200 Hp each
N300LF photo, click to enlarge
1983 Partenavia S. p. a. P.68C VICTOR, two Lycoming IO-360-A1B 200 Hp each
N6602L photo, click to enlarge
1984 Partenavia S. p. a. P.68 OBSERVER, two Lycoming IO-360 A&C 200 Hp each
N73N photo, click to enlarge
1981 Partenavia Spa P.68C VICTOR, two Lycoming IO-360-A1B6 200 Hp each, full cabin cover
N73N photo, click to enlarge
1981 Partenavia Spa P.68C VICTOR, two Lycoming IO-360-A1B6 200 Hp each
N73N photo, click to enlarge
1981 Partenavia Spa P.68C VICTOR, two Lycoming IO-360-A1B6 200 Hp each
N73N photo, click to enlarge
1981 Partenavia Spa P.68C VICTOR, two Lycoming IO-360-A1B6 200 Hp each