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Doug Robertson's Photo Gallery

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N134PM photo, click to enlarge
1968 Beech 99 AIRLINER, 2 UACL PT6A Turboprops 578 shp each. To accommodate wide cg range-entire horizontal stabilizer is electrically trimmed by pilot, also redundant standby 1/3rd speed electrical trim, with conventional elevators for pitch.
N4199C photo, click to enlarge
1968 Beech 99 c/n U-50 modified to prototype C99 AIRLINER, two UACL PT6A-36 turboprops 715 shp each, with further modifications, note ventral pannier, takeoff roll Rwy 25
N4199C photo, click to enlarge
1968 Beech 99 c/n U-50 modified to prototype C99 AIRLINER in 1980, two UACL PT6A-36 turboprops 715 shp each, with further modifications, note ventral pannier, holding on Rwy 25