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Doug Robertson's Photo Gallery

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Aircraft and aiport photos are sorted separately. Airport photos always shown after aircraft photos.

N4361A photo, click to enlarge
Z41 Airport, 2007-08-23
1956 Piper PA-18-150 SUPER CUB, Lycoming O-320 150 Hp, Micro vortex generators, of K2 Aviation-a sister company of Rust's Flying Service, Experimental class
N4361A photo, click to enlarge
Z41 Airport, 2007-08-23
1956 Piper PA-18-150 SUPER CUB, Lycoming O-320 150 Hp, Micro vortex generators, of K2 Aviation-a sister company of Rust's Flying Service, Experimental class
N3896Z photo, click to enlarge
Z41 Airport, 2007-08-21
1961 Piper PA-18-150 SUPER CUB, Lycoming O-320 150 Hp, 4 psi tundra tires, Experimental class
N3957Z photo, click to enlarge
Z41 Airport, 2007-08-25
1962 Piper PA-18-150 SUPER CUB, Lycoming O-320 150 Hp, on 4 psi tundra tires, Restricted class
N13931 photo, click to enlarge
Z41 Airport, 2007-08-25
1972 Piper PA-18-150 SUPER CUB, Lycoming O-320 150 Hp, covered 4 psi tundra tires
N7875D photo, click to enlarge
Z41 Airport, 2007-08-21
1957 Piper PA-18-150 SUPER CUB, Lycoming O-320 150 Hp, taxi on 4 psi tundra tires
N3982Z photo, click to enlarge
Z41 Airport, 2007-08-21
1963 Piper PA-18S-150, Lycoming O-320 150 Hp, 4 psi tundra tires
N27987 photo, click to enlarge
Z41 Airport, 2007-08-21
1979 Piper PA-31-310 TURBO NAVAHO, two Lycoming TIO-540-A2C 310 Hp each, of Alaska Air Taxi
N3689P photo, click to enlarge
Z41 Airport, 2007-08-21
1955 Piper PA-18-150 SUPER CUB, Lycoming O-320 150 Hp
N3896Z photo, click to enlarge
Z41 Airport, 2007-08-21
1961 Piper PA-18-150 SUPER CUB, Lycoming O320, 4 psi tundra tires, Experimental class
N4291H photo, click to enlarge
Z41 Airport, 2007-08-21
1949 Piper PA-14 FAMILY CRUISER, Lycoming O-320 150 Hp upgrade, Micro vortex generators, 4 psi tundra tires, multiple certification
N2894Z photo, click to enlarge
Z41 Airport, 2007-08-25
1959 Piper PA-18A-150 SUPER CUB, Lycoming O-320 150 Hp upgrade, tundra tires, long range tanks, Restricted class