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Doug Robertson's Photo Gallery

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89-0275 photo, click to enlarge
1990 Beech Aircraft Corp. RC-12N GUARDRAIL of US Army, two P&W(C)PT6A-41 Turboprops, 850 shp each, engines running on visitor ramp
89-0275 photo, click to enlarge
1990 Beech Aircraft Corp. RC-12N GUARDRAIL of US Army, two P&W(C)PT6A-41 Turboprops, 850 shp each, taxi to Rwy 25
N181MH photo, click to enlarge
1951 Beech C45-H EXPEDITOR converted from USAF T-11 KANSAN trainer, two P&W R-985-AN-5 Wasp Jr. 450 Hp
N181MH photo, click to enlarge
1951 Beech C45-H EXPEDITOR converted from USAF T-11 KANSAN trainer, two P&W R-985-AN-5 Wasp Jr. 450 Hp each
160937 photo, click to enlarge
Beech T-34C MENTOR Sierra Hotel of USMC VMFAT-101, one P&W(C)PT6A-25 400 shp turboprop. Returned to service 1998. High speed low-level pass over Rwy 22.
160937 photo, click to enlarge
Beech T-34C TURBINE MENTOR Sierra Hotel of USMC VMFAT-101, one P&W(C)PT6A-25 400 shp turboprop, Returned to service 1998. Landing Rwy 22.
160937 photo, click to enlarge
Beech T-34C TURBINE MENTOR Sierra Hotel of USMC VMFAT-101, one P&W(C)PT6A-25 400 shp turboprop, Returned to service 1998. Taxi back.
160937 photo, click to enlarge
Beech T-34C MENTOR Sierra Hotel of USMC VMFAT-101, one P&W(C)PT6A-25 400 shp turboprop. Returned to service 1998.
160937 photo, click to enlarge
Beech T-34C MENTOR Sierra Hotel of USMC VMFAT-101, one P&W(C)PT6A-25 400 shp turboprop. Returned to service 1998. Cowls up.
160937 photo, click to enlarge
Beech T34C TURBINE MENTOR Sierra Hotel of USMC VMFAT 101, one P&W(C)PT6A-25 400 shp turboprop. Returned to service 1998. Cowls up.
160937 photo, click to enlarge
Beech T-34C TURBINE MENTOR Sierra Hotel of USMC VMFAT-101, one P&W(C)PT6A-25 400 shp turboprop, Returned to service 1998. Super Bowl Sunday visitor.
160937 photo, click to enlarge
Beech T-34C TURBINE MENTOR Sierra Hotel of USMC VMFAT-101, one P&W(C)PT6A-25 400 shp turboprop. Returned to service 1998, Tandem fully instrumented cockpits