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Doug Robertson's Photo Gallery

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N922KV photo, click to enlarge
1981 Cessna 425 CORSAIR, two P&W(C)PT6A-60A Turboprops flat rated to 450 shp each, Pressurized cabin.
N6885P photo, click to enlarge
Cessna 425 CORSAIR, two P&W(C)PT6A-112 Turboprops 450 shp each, three-blade wide chord CS Hartzell props, Pressurized, on final Rwy 26
N6885P photo, click to enlarge
Cessna 425 CORSAIR, two P&W(C)PT6A-112 Turboprops 450 shp each, three-blade wide chord CS Hartzell props, Pressurized, on final Rwy 26
N6885P photo, click to enlarge
Cessna 425 CORSAIR, two P&W(C)PT6A-112 Turboprops 450 shp each, three-blade wide chord CS Hartzell props, Pressurized, taxi after landing Rwy 26
N922KV photo, click to enlarge
1981 Cessna 425 CORSAIR, two P&W PT6A-60A Turboprops flat rated to 450 Hp each, pressurized cabin
N6846S photo, click to enlarge
1981 Cessna 425 CORSAIR, two P&W(C)PT6A-112 turboprops flat rated to 450 shp each
N6846S photo, click to enlarge
1981 Cessna 425 CORSAIR, two P&W(C)PT6A-112 turboprops flat rated to 450 shp each
N425NW photo, click to enlarge
1981 Cessna 425 Corsair, two P&W PT6A-60A turboprops
N425NW photo, click to enlarge
1981 Cessna 425 CORSAIR, two P&W PT6A-60A Turboprops
N425NW photo, click to enlarge
1981 Cessna 425 CORSAIR, two P&W PT6A-60A Turboprops