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Doug Robertson's Photo Gallery

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N374WT photo, click to enlarge
2003 Red Hamilton WITTMAN W-10 TAILWIND, Race #37, careful inspection needed to find all of Red's speed tweeks on this winning racer, on Transient Ramp
N9168Q photo, click to enlarge
2001 Konicek WITTMAN TAILWIND W-10, Lycoming O-320, landing Rwy 22
N374WT photo, click to enlarge
2003 "Red" Hamilton WITTMAN W-10 TAILWIND, Race #37. This famous racer has won the EAA Airventure Oshkosh race, max speed 230 mph. Regular visitor to SZP. Experimental class.
N374WT photo, click to enlarge
2003 "Red" Hamilton WITTMAN W-10 TAILWIND, Race #37. Red's Oshkosh race award winner, max speed 230 mph, many go-fast tweaks upon close inspection needed. Regular visitor.
N374WT photo, click to enlarge
2003 "Red" Hamilton WITTMAN W-10 TAILWIND, Red has incorporated a number of drag-reducing "tweaks" in this winning racer #37. Closeup inspection necessary to reveal all. 230 mph max speed.
N374WT photo, click to enlarge
2003 "Red" Hamilton WITTMAN W-10 TAILWIND, Race #37
N374WT photo, click to enlarge
2003 "Red" Hamilton WITTMAN W-10 TAILWIND, Race #37
N374WT photo, click to enlarge
2003 "Red" Hamilton WITTMAN W-10 TAILWIND, Race #37
N316TW photo, click to enlarge
2006 Rust TAILWIND W10, Lycoming O-320
N316TW photo, click to enlarge
2006 Rust TAILWIND W10, Lycoming O-320, the Wittman tail with small rudder
N316TW photo, click to enlarge
2006 Rust TAILWIND W10, Lycoming O-320, three-blade prop
N316TW photo, click to enlarge
2006 Rust TAILWIND W10, Lycoming O-320