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Doug Robertson's Photo Gallery

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Aircraft and aiport photos are sorted separately. Airport photos always shown after aircraft photos.

N2272A photo, click to enlarge
1952 Piper PA-20-135 PACER, Lycoming O-290
N2272A photo, click to enlarge
1952 Piper PA-20-135 PACER, Lycoming O-290, on transient ramp
N2272A photo, click to enlarge
1952 Piper PA-20 135 PACER, Lycoming O-290, cowl logo
N2272A photo, click to enlarge
1952 Piper PA-20-135 PACER, Lycoming O-290, wing lights closeup
N5229H photo, click to enlarge
1949 Piper PA-16 CLIPPER 'LIL DEVIL', Lycoming O-290 135 Hp, taxi to SZP's Fuel Dock
N5229H photo, click to enlarge
1949 Piper PA-16 CLIPPER 'LIL DEVIL', Lycoming O-290 135 Hp, taxi to Rwy 04
N5229H photo, click to enlarge
1949 Piper PA-16 CLIPPER 'LIL DEVIL', Lycoming O-290 135 Hp, taking the active
N5229H photo, click to enlarge
1949 Piper PA-16 CLIPPER 'LIL DEVIL', Lycoming O-290 135 Hp, subsequent Lawsuit threat by PAN-AM caused Piper to drop the CLIPPER name, takeoff roll Rwy 04
N879A photo, click to enlarge
1951 Piper PA-22, Lycoming O-290-D2 135 Hp, apparently a PA-22 TRIPACER converted to a PA-20 PACER landing gear?
N5229H photo, click to enlarge
1949 PIPER PA-16 CLIPPER 'Little Devil', Lycoming O-290 135 Hp, taxi
N5229H photo, click to enlarge
1949 Piper PA-16 CLIPPER 'Little Devil', Lycoming O-290 135 Hp, fueling
N1571A photo, click to enlarge
1951 Piper PA-20-135 PACER, Lycoming O-290-D 135 Hp, tundra mains, taxi