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Doug Robertson's Photo Gallery

Total 43968 pictures. 20 in this folder.   Contact    Home

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N172WN photo, click to enlarge
1978 Cessna 172N SKYHAWK, Lycoming O-360-A4M 180 Hp, wing Micro vortex generators, panel upgrades, AOPA Sweepstakes aircraft, Experimental class at AOPA FLY-IN
N172WN photo, click to enlarge
1978 Cessna 172N SKYHAWK, Lycoming O-360-A4M 180 Hp, Experimental class, AOPA Sweepstakes aircraft particulars. At AOPA FLY-IN
N172WN photo, click to enlarge
1978 Cessna 172N SKYHAWK, Lycoming O-360-A4M 180 Hp, wing Micro vortex generators. AOPA's refurbished SWEEPSTAKES Give-Away aircraft to some lucky AOPA member. Experimental class registration.
N172WN photo, click to enlarge
1978 Cessna 172N SKYHAWK, Lycoming O-360-A4M 180 Hp, Experimental class registration. AOPA'S refurbished SWEEPSTAKES Give-away Aircraft to a lucky AOPA member. Display at AOPA FLY-IN at KCMA
N46012 photo, click to enlarge
1968 Cessna 172I SKYHAWK, Lycoming O&VO-360 180 Hp upgrade, Experimental class, full flaps landing roll Rwy 22
N5370E photo, click to enlarge
1980 Cessna A185F SKYWAGON II 'Eye in the Sky' camera, Continental IO-550-D 300 Hp, Experimental class, takeoff roll Rwy 22
N5370E photo, click to enlarge
1980 Cessna A185F SKYWAGON Eye in the Sky Camera, Continental IO-550-D 300 Hp, Experimental class, takeoff climb Rwy 22
N5370E photo, click to enlarge
1980 Cessna A185F SKYWAGON II Eye in the Sky Camera, Continental IO-550-D 300 Hp, Experimental class
N5370E photo, click to enlarge
1980 Cessna A185F SKYWAGON II Eye in the Sky Camera, Continental IO-550-D 300 Hp, Experimental class
N5370E photo, click to enlarge
1980 Cessna A185F SKYWAGON II Eye in the Sky Camera, Continental IO-550-D 300 Hp, Experimental class
N86WM photo, click to enlarge
1967 Cessna 305A Ector MOUNTAINEER conversion, Continental O-470 213 Hp, Experimental/restricted class, banner tow equipped
N125EA photo, click to enlarge
1979 Cessna CITATION I/SP 501, two P&W(C)JT15D-1 turbofans 2,200 Lb st each. Experimental class, takeoff roll Rwy 09