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Doug Robertson's Photo Gallery

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N6888J photo, click to enlarge
1976 Piper PA-32R-300 CHEROKEE LANCE, Lycoming IO-540-K1G5D 300 Hp
N6888J photo, click to enlarge
1976 Piper PA-32R-300 CHEROKEE LANCE, Lycoming IO-540-K1G5D 300 Hp
N61JW photo, click to enlarge
1979 Piper PA-32R-301T TURBO SARATOGA SP, Lycoming TIO-540-S1AD 300 Hp
N2414Q photo, click to enlarge
Piper PA-32R-300 CHEROKEE LANCE 'Amelia', Lycoming IO-540-K1G5D 300 Hp
N8087B photo, click to enlarge
1982 Piper PA-32-301 SARATOGA 'SARA TOGA', Lycoming IO-540-K1G5 300 Hp, landing roll Rwy 22
N8087B photo, click to enlarge
1982 Piper PA-32-301 SARATOGA 'SARA TOGA', Lycoming IO-540-K1G5 300 Hp, taxi back
N8087B photo, click to enlarge
1982 Piper PA-32-301 SARATOGA 'SARA TOGA', Lycoming IO-540-K1G5 300 Hp
N8087B photo, click to enlarge
1982 Piper PA-32-301 SARATOGA 'SARA TOGA', Lycoming IO-540-K1G5 300 Hp, pushback to transient parking
N8087B photo, click to enlarge
1982 Piper PA-32-301 SARATOGA 'SARA TOGA', Lycoming IO-540-K1G5 300 Hp, Sara in her Toga logo, stunning artistry!!!
N302RT photo, click to enlarge
1982 Piper PA-32R-301T TURBO SARATOGA SP, Lycoming TIO-540-S1AD 300 Hp, 3-blade CS prop, tapered wing, 102 gallons fuel, cruise 203 mph, useful load 1,522 lbs.
N3055F photo, click to enlarge
1978 Piper PA-32RT-300T TURBO LANCE II, Lycoming TIO-540-S1AD 300 Hp, T-tail, Hartzell CS 80. The T-tailed Lance II was made just two years from mid-1978 through 1979. Seven seats.
N83KL photo, click to enlarge
1999 Piper PA-32R 301 SARATOGA SP, Lycoming IO-540-K1G5D 300 Hp, 3 blade CS prop